It is a thrill for me to visit libraries and provide entertaining, fast paced presentations that keep the interest of all participants. For maple and honey bee programs, I recommend ages 6 and up. My presentations appeal to children, teens/tweens and adults and I thoroughly enjoy speaking to family audiences, too. I adjust my presentation content and style to match the ages of those in attendance. Fishing programs are a seminar style of teaching and geared towards an older audience of ages 12 and up.
If your library participates in the annual reading program theme, I offer specialized program content and titles to incorporate the theme into my programs if that is something your library desires.
Advertising write-ups and pictures are available to make promotion of our programs a breeze.
Independent libraries and those in a co-op at whose showcase event I have not performed can contact me directly for pricing and availability.
I would love to participate in your library co-op showcase event.
Thank you for your interest in our presentations!
Here is a short video highlighting our Adventure themed programs for the 2024 season.
“You are a great speaker, and you made your presentation very understandable and interesting.”
Library Patron
School Teachers
Whether it is a program about honey bees or maple syrup, my presentations are a fabulous addition to your teaching curriculum. It is a thrill for me to fully engage students in the topic about which I am speaking. I keep things fairly fast paced and entertaining using props and hand and body motions to keep kids interested. The pictures on the screen behind me as I speak are (mostly) my own photos which illustrate the things I am describing. I would love to participate in the education and entertainment of your students. Contact me for pricing and availability.
If a live, in-person show is not an option consider a virtual program which could be prerecorded, online live, or prerecorded with an online live question and answer session after the presentation.

General Public
If you have a venue or an event that needs a dynamic, interesting, passionate speaker you have come to the right place. I have been a beekeeper since 2006 and have made maple syrup since about 2002. In around 2008 I performed my first honey bee program for the public and it lit a fire in me that remains unquenched. I love presenting about honey bees and maple syrup! Many times I have heard comments like, "I had to drag my husband here to do something with the family, but he absolutely loved it! Thank you!" Saving marriages with honey bees and maple syrup. I love it! Contact us for pricing and availability.